The series is set during the Edo period, in the Fukagawa ward of old Edo (present-day Tokyo). Because the area is prone to fire and flooding, residents rent everyday items like pots, ...
A mysterious agency appeared on an ordinary social anxious girl Chi Xiaoyu's phone APP. It makes ordering a new persona as easy as a food takeaway! In order to complete her work task, ...
Jesús and Nuria live in an apartment belonging to her father. His best hope at winning him over his is hosting an exhibition of his photography, but things do not turn out as planned
An elementary schooler repeatedly attacks people in the streets of Musashino, Tokyo. Known only to the public as "Lil Slugger", none of the victims can recall the young boy's face and ...
Cou, the bumbling rookie of the "Red Lynx" pirate squadron has just discovered the treasure of a lifetime! A Mighty member of the ancient race of Edel Raids. Ren, at first glance, seems ...