The Magnificent Seven is an American western television series based on the 1960 movie, which is a remake of the Japanese film Seven Samurai. It aired between 1998 and 2000. It was ...
Around the middle of the 21st century, all war on Earth ceased. The sudden widespread appearance of "Heroes," people with supernatural powers who wish only for peace, has drastically ...
"Dangerous" Davies always gets the cases no one else wants, and no one notices when he eventually succeeds. But his old-fashioned decency and dogged determination have won him legions ...
Mio Sudou, a 30-year-old office lady has gone five years without a boyfriend and has forgotten all about love. Shuuji Mashima, a foreign-affiliated consultant has not had a girlfriend ...
When a sales agent and her husband find that all their dreams may vanish into thin air due to problems at work, they scrimp and strive to make a better living for themselves.
Liu Ai is ...
Semba and Vikram, two teenagers belonging to different strata of society, come together to help a friend in need. They courageously try to overcome many obstacles in their path with ...