The film follows Khaled, who wakes up and finds himself in a strange, maze-like place, and meets a group of strangers, including a mysterious woman named Shams.
Bermuda Square
Bermuda Square
A certain psychological phenomenon occurs to the two protagonists, one of whom is a visual artist.
El Ens Wa El Nems
El Ens Wa El Nems
The story follows a poor government employee who lands in a lot of trouble because of his father's profession, while he falls for a girl who tries to help him solve his problems.
Al Rajul Al Raabie
Al Rajul Al Raabie
An aspiring filmmaker takes a leap of faith and agrees to make a commercial film in a short time, unaware that the process sets him onto a comedic adventure.
The series deals with the life story of the great artist Naguib Rihani since childhood, and highlights the human and social aspects of his life, and the political life he lived, ...
Date with Destiny
Date with Destiny
Galal's life turns upside down as a result of an odd meeting with a random stranger, as he finds everything that will happen to him during the day written on his body, turning his days ...