Day and night
Day and night
The series "One Day and One Night" starring: Ahmed Rizk, Aiten Amer, Muhammad Jumaa, Nidal Al Shafei, Salah Abdullah, Muhammad Mahran, Walaa Sharif and Dalia Mustafa, written by Mustafa ...

Set in 2025 when COVID-25 has spread around the world, an accident turns successful surgeon Yaseen into a YouTuber and he’s forced to face the mysterious virus.

في كل أسبوع حكاية
في كل أسبوع حكاية
Separate episodes revolve around divorce and family problems within a social framework, and at the end of each story, coincidence brings together the characters of the story ending in ...

Date with Destiny
Date with Destiny
Galal's life turns upside down as a result of an odd meeting with a random stranger, as he finds everything that will happen to him during the day written on his body, turning his days ...

Abed’s Children
Abed’s Children
In one of Egypt’s richest households lies a greedy fight for wealth and fortune, driving the family apart as they compete against each other for their grandad’s trust.