In modern-day Metro Manila, a diverse group of Filipinos faces life's lows as their destinies collide on a fateful train ride, unfolding a heartwarming and comedic tapestry of ...
Niña Niño
Niña Niño
Niña and Niño move to the big city together and realize that life is anything but a bed of roses. They struggle to make ends meet as con-artists until an unexpected event changes their lives.
Nothing Like Paris
Nothing Like Paris
Jojo, a Filipino artist in Paris who has had many lovers, but constantly finds himself desperate to fill the chasm in his life occupied by the mysterious muse of his paintings. For ...
Kidnap For Romance
Kidnap For Romance
Ena is a stuntwoman from a family of looters. When her mother needs money to settle her medical bill, she asks her godfather for assistance. Her godfather assigns Elena to abduct Fred ...