The romantic comedy series follows Beth and Cindy, a social media celebrity couple called "BetCin," who join an online contest called "#RelationshipGoals" and are perceived as having a ...
Unravel: A Swiss Side Love Story
Unravel: A Swiss Side Love Story
Lucy, awarded as the youngest CEO of the year and recently annulled from her husband, secretly registers to a Swiss company that assists those who wish to end their lives. Lucy meets ...
Break Shot
Break Shot
Joni, a promising street-smart pool-hustling girl, who fights her way from the slums to get a shot at becoming a pool champion in the male-dominated world of billiards.
As Joni ...
Secrets of Urduja
Secrets of Urduja
Gem and Crystal are assigned to work in a special law enforcement operation. They are entrusted with the recovery of precious, pre-colonial jewelry which is believed to have belonged to ...
In the world of Encantadia, four Sang'gres guard the gems that hold the power to maintain peace and harmony in the land. Pirena is the keeper of the Gem of Fire, Amihan is the keeper of ...