Comedy Revenge
Comedy Revenge
Hosted by legendary comedian Lee Kyeong-kyu, 18 comedy powerhouses compete in an all-out battle of hilarity once again — let the giggles begin!
DNA Mate
DNA Mate
DNA Mate is an observational reality show focusing on siblings, a.k.a. DNA mates. We can enjoy watching celebrities' daily lives and their unique dynamics with other siblings
Welcome to Fishermen’s Seafood Bar
Welcome to Fishermen’s Seafood Bar
Lee Kyung-kyu and his co-hosts from the series "City Fishers" cast their lines into the world of sushi restaurants, serving viewers the catch of the day.
Dining Together
Dining Together
As more and more people are getting used to eating dinner alone, Kang Ho-dong and Lee Kyung-kyu visit ordinary Korean families at dinner time and share their lives as they eat dinner ...
Dogs Are Incredible
Dogs Are Incredible
Korea's "Comedy King," Lee Gyeonggyu, who's also known for his love for dogs and the country's most famous dog expert, Kang Hyungwook, team up to study how the humans and the pets live ...