Three teams of contestants go head-to-head in the daytime quiz show presented by Ranvir Singh. They answer questions to unlock a riddle set by the programme's Riddlemaster - Henry Lewis.
Save Money: My Beautiful Green Home
Save Money: My Beautiful Green Home
An uplifting three-part series which taps into our global obsession with property and the emotional, creative and practical journey renovating our homes takes us all on. In the series ...
Ghislaine, Prince Andrew and the Paedophile
Ghislaine, Prince Andrew and the Paedophile
Ranvir Singh unravels the story of how an entitled daughter of a billionaire sank into shame and disgrace through her friendship with paedophile Jeffrey Epstein.
Secrets of the Oligarch Wives
Secrets of the Oligarch Wives
Fresh insights and stunning details about the most dangerous man in the world from the women close to the ultra-wealthy oligarchs who put Vladimir Putin in power. Delivering a rare, ...