On Air Dekinai!
On Air Dekinai!
Set in 2014, the anime follows the adventures of 23 years old Mafuneko, a newly minted assistant director who joins the TV production department at Tokyo Hajikko Television, only to ...
3 Seconds Later, He Turned into a Beast
3 Seconds Later, He Turned into a Beast
Tsumugi is a female college student who carries trauma from an aggressive man in her past. She meets Kaname at a mixer she requested specifically for unaggressive "herbivore"-type men. ...
Wave, Listen to Me!
Wave, Listen to Me!
The stage is Sapporo, Hokkaido. One night, our heroine, Minare Koda, spills her heartbroken woes to a radio station worker she meets while out drinking one night. The next day, she ...