SONODA Video – Spring / Summer / Fall / Winter
SONODA Video – Spring / Summer / Fall / Winter
The soundless stop-motion paint-on-glass film by Koji Yamamura showcases the different seasons. He created the short in his early career in 1988. It is unclear whether the public could ...

Heavenly Bodies’ Score
Heavenly Bodies’ Score
Using the constellation as a motif, the heavens and the earth, metamorphose all the creatures.

Polar Bear Bears Boredom
Polar Bear Bears Boredom
A polar bear who is very bored with various marine animals in the deep blue sea. It continues an ancient tradition of "Caricatures of Frolicking animals" in scroll painting-style; this ...

The Hyuga Episode of Kojiki
The Hyuga Episode of Kojiki
A festival cut/compilation of the animated segments made by Yamamura Kouji for a TV documentary by NHK, Kojiki Girl Travelogue (古事記ガール 日向路を旅する). The 4 episodes that compose The Hyuga ...