The Adventures of Jurassic Pet: Return to the Wild
The Adventures of Jurassic Pet: Return to the Wild
When a documentary film crew discovers the magical doorway to the land of dinosaurs, they encounter and capture a little dinosaur named Spike.

Army of Frankensteins
Army of Frankensteins
A young man travels back in time, finding himself entrenched in the Civil War with an army of Frankensteins.

The Jurassic Games
The Jurassic Games
In the near future, 10 death row convicts are forced to compete in a virtual reality game that pits them against dinosaurs and each other.

Dinosaur World
Dinosaur World
The best players from around the world are gathered to be Russell's lab rats on his new game, anything could happen. Everyone has their eyes on the prize, which will give them a second ...

Adventures of Rufus: The Fantastic Pet
Adventures of Rufus: The Fantastic Pet
At his grandmother's house, Scott and his friend Emily meet Rufus, a swashbuckling, furry creature who begs them to help restore his fading kingdom. Wizard Abbott's spell book contains ...

When a mysterious letter appears on the day they are being evicted, Elizabeth and her father can’t believe their luck to discover they've inherited Echoville Manor, a sprawling, ...

The Adventures of Jurassic Pet 2: The Lost Secret
The Adventures of Jurassic Pet 2: The Lost Secret
There's a new baby T. Rex in town – and his name is Junior! When Junior escapes into our world from the Land of the Dinosaurs, teenager Wendy and her friend, Curtis, must return him ...