Set in Toronto, virgins! is a dramatic comedy created by Aden Abebe that follows the lives of four 20-something year-old women who are too modest for the big city and too provocative ...
This new kind of show is a mix between a talk show, a game show and an improv performance! Rachid Badouri receives celebrity guests and asks them questions to which their answers could ...
Each week, in front of a fired-up audience, personalities from all areas come on Ti-Mé’s show for an hour of comedy and quirks. A variety show where interviews, sketches, musical ...
Tomoko Konagai is a first-year in high school and a shy girl. Tomoko owns three cats. The cheerful and live Munchkin Maa, the smart and responsible Russian Blue Rou, and the gentle ...
Taking inspiration from the comic books of the same name, each episode explores a pivotal moment from the Marvel Cinematic Universe and turns it on its head, leading the audience into ...
Fore! After Eve’s first meet-up with Aoi on the grass left her in defeat, she’s had her eyes set on a rematch to return the favor. Both these up-and-coming golfers are highly skilled, ...