Ten-year-old Sembi and her grandmother Veerayi, an apiarist, live peacefully amidst nature in the hilly regions of Kodaikanal. They lead a beautiful life until three influential ...
“Rats in the Walls” is a short animation that is inspired by one of H.P. Lovecraft’s most gripping horror tales. The film presents the story of a middle aged man who wakes up one night ...
Instead of spending their vacations in Gran Canaria with their parents, Flo and Lassie are taken by butler Gerhardt to the farm of aunt Cosima in South Tyrol, who lives there with Jack ...
A woman decides to fight against her powerful oppressor. When the guard of a chilli factory helps her, the women and the teacher of the village join them to openly defy the prevailing ...
Casper is a kind young ghost who peacefully haunts a mansion in Maine. When specialist James Harvey arrives to communicate with Casper and his fellow spirits, he brings along his ...
A film director unhappy with the movie he's shooting about a Hungarian circus stranded in Rome during the 1956 anti-Soviet uprising faces divorce from his producer wife.
The Shadow Mountains, 1983. Red and Mandy lead a loving and peaceful existence; but when their pine-scented haven is savagely destroyed, Red is catapulted into a phantasmagoric journey ...
A thief operating along the highways of rural Australia gets caught in the crossfires of an ongoing police investigation after he mugs a serial killer.
Natanaël, seven, still doesn't know how to read. His eccentric old aunt bequeaths her house to his parents and her book collection to the young boy. Nat discovers that the books serve ...
After a recent and difficult divorce, Alice hasn't seen her children in two months as she awaits a custody verdict. When her son calls her in the middle of the night, Alice takes ...
After barely surviving a furious shootout with the police, Baby Firefly, Otis Driftwood and Captain Spaulding are behind bars. But pure evil cannot be contained. Teaming up with Otis’ ...