The series follows the story of Fruity, a young girl who receives a magical ball that, when rubbed, summons a fairy named Son Pari and her friend Altu.
Tom Swift is thrust into a world of sci-fi conspiracy and unexplained phenomena after the shocking disappearance of his father. Tom takes to the road on a quest to unravel the truth, ...
Daishi Morimiya is a high school student whose dream is to become a wheelchair, track-and-field athlete. In addition to that, Miyako Fukai, a former wheelchair athlete, becomes Daishi’s ...
The story will unveil some dark secrets of journalism which involve dirty politics, bribery, lies, and revenge. The series will surely gonna make you addict to it.
After 'About Food' and 'On one', Kobe Ilsen again combines learning with humor and genuine curiosity. He dives into a new topic every Monday and Thursday. Because you have to admit: ...
Kotarou Azumi and Akane Mizuno became third year students at junior high school and are classmates for the first time. These two, along with fellow classmates, Chinatsu Nishio and ...
On the eve of the Spring Festival in 2020, the sudden outbreak of the epidemic completely changed the lives of senior high students thus opening the curtains to their "biggest ...