The daily soap that follows the loves, lives and misdemeanours of a group of people living in the Chester village of Hollyoaks where anything could, and frequently does, happen...
Former priest Sergius, removed from the ministry in the church, became a hunter for evil spirits. In the course of the hunt, he encounters investigator Catherine, who is just about to ...
A police detective investigating the kidnapping of elementary school students becomes involved in the intricate network of the underworld. Beijing policeman Li Hui Yan has gone alone to ...
In the early Showa era, the town of Choshi in Chiba Prefecture was divided by the conflicts between the worlds of "land" and "sea". Born to Kyubei Bando, the owner of a long-established ...
The story of a mother's 15-year struggle to clear her son of a murder he did not commit. It is also the story of a major crimes investigator who always suspected a relative of being ...
35-year-old Audrey, the only survivor of a mysterious serial killer who raged in the Biarritz region 16 years earlier, is brutally taken back to her past by a new crime: a 17-year-old ...