Magical girl Faria and an amnesiac boy named Dos embark on a journey to uncover the secrets of their enemies, the "Variant Creatures," and discover a mysterious force attempting to ...
When 3 female high school students walk along the sea shore, they find a naked man laying down. They film him with their smartphones and the man says "Winner Take Nothing" before losing ...
After his coming out goes horribly wrong, Singaporean Sam jets off to Bangkok to search for his exiled gay uncle, where he stumbles upon Top, a hopeless Thai romantic unlucky in love.
A covert team of special forces operatives risk their lives on undercover missions around the globe, while their wives maintain the homefront, protecting their husbands' secrets.
After losing her fiancé in an accident, Saeko feels an inexplicable connection to a stranger — who, by a twist of fate, received his heart and memories.