Mighty Mouse: The New Adventures is a 1987 revival of the classic Mighty Mouse cartoon character. Produced by Bakshi-Hyde Ventures, it aired on CBS on Saturday mornings from fall 1987 ...
A group of nine determined girls enter the 7th Annual “Selection Project,” a television show where they’ll audition to become idols…and pursue their dreams!
After newlyweds Ajay and Geetha are brutally murdered, their families come together in grief. But the situation takes a new twist when the suspected killer arrives at their doorstep.
The Man Show is an American comedy television show on Comedy Central. It was created in 1999 by its two original co-hosts, Jimmy Kimmel and Adam Carolla, and their executive producer ...
Akira is a 30-year-old salaryman married to novelist Sonoko. After five years of marriage things between them have cooled and now they barely speak. One evening Akira is suddenly struck ...