Glory Daze is an American comedy-drama television series. The one-hour series revolves around a group of college freshmen who pledge a fraternity in 1986. The series aired from November ...
TTFC Direct Theater: Kamen Rider Revice is a Toei Tokusatsu Fan Club-exclusive web miniseries featuring mostly suit actors doing short one-set stories with plenty of choreographed ...
As part of this loud, loving, opinionated and multi-talented Cuban-American family, Christina Milian has always been the focus, often to the consternation of her two sisters, Danielle ...
Fatal Injections is about the nurse Maiken and her fiancé, Doctor Jacob who are stuck in a relationship without any passion. But all that changes when a young Norwegian nurse, Ida, ...
Two different individuals who, despite having different priorities in life, found love in each other. But after series of encounter, they will have to decide whether it's a love worth ...