Hotaru (Makita Aju), a college senior on a job-hunting losing streak, finds her childhood friend Miharu (Takaishi Akari) her nemesis. Miharu responds to disputes in their classroom with ...
Su Yi loses her memory after getting burnt in a fire accident. In the midst of searching for the truth and her memories, she meets Li Jiacheng, whom has countless ties to the incident. ...
Too Rich: The Secret Life of Doris Duke is a four-part miniseries that was first broadcast on CBS in 1999 starring Lauren Bacall and Richard Chamberlain. It was based primarily on the ...
A single-camera half-hour comedy based on what Maria Bamford has accepted to be "her life." It's the sometimes surreal story of a woman who loses — and then finds — her s**t.
The Bletchley Circle follows the journey of four ordinary women with extraordinary skills that helped to end World War II. Set in 1952, Susan, Millie, Lucy and Jean have returned to ...