A documentary that tells the emotional journey of Shane and Tom, two young men in a loving and committed relationship — a relationship that was cut tragically short by a misstep off the ...
New Jersey car mechanic Stacie Andree and her police detective girlfriend Laurel Hester both battle to secure Hester's pension benefits after she was diagnosed with a terminal illness.
The Red Pill
The Red Pill
When a feminist filmmaker sets out to document the mysterious and polarizing world of the Men’s Rights Movement, she begins to question her own beliefs. Chronicling Cassie Jaye’s ...
Hairspray Live!
Hairspray Live!
A teenage girl living in Baltimore in the early 1960s dreams of appearing on a popular TV dance show.
SDGs Mini Drama
SDGs Mini Drama
An irregularly broadcast omnibus series of two-minute mini-dramas based on the 17 goals of the SDGs (UN's "Sustainable Development Goals"). In these short stories, a message is conveyed ...
9to5: The Story of a Movement
9to5: The Story of a Movement
In the early 1970s, a group of secretaries in Boston decided that they had suffered in silence long enough. They started fighting back, creating a movement to force changes in their ...
Handbook for a Privileged European Woman
Handbook for a Privileged European Woman
How to ride a mechanical bull and not care that everyone is picturing you naked.
The Sound of Identity
The Sound of Identity
In the spotlight of global media coverage, the first transgender woman ever to perform as Don Giovanni in a professional opera, makes her historic debut in one of the reddest states in ...