The Rocket
The Rocket
In the late 1930s, a young machinist named Maurice Richard distinguished himself as a ice hockey player of preternatural talent. Although that was enough to get him into the Montreal ...
Like the Ones I Used to Know
Like the Ones I Used to Know
December 24, 1983, 10:50 p.m.: Julie and her cousins ate too much sugar, Santa Claus is late. Denis, alone in his car, is anxious at the idea of setting foot in his ex-in-law's house to ...
Pink Lake
Pink Lake
It’s perhaps too wintery to qualify as Edenic, but Sam and Cora have seemingly carved out a largely idyllic existence for themselves in a cabin in the hills of Gatineau. However, the ...
Paris Paris
Paris Paris
One day, a tunnel opens up between Philippe's basement in Paris, Ontario and Paris, France. Here's a chance for Philippe, caught up in a midlife crisis, to escape his quiet life and go ...
Billie Blue
Billie Blue
At 16, Billie is lingering behind in almost everything: in love, in her growth spurt which recently propelled her to almost 6 feet, in having her first period. In a hurry to catch up, ...
De par chez nous
De par chez nous
Marième Ndiaye meets the people who have chosen to live in rural Quebec in the hopes of ensuring the future of their region by launching original development initiatives.