Alonso Santos, an aspiring mixed martial arts fighter from Miami, struggles to make it into the professional MMA circuit as he battles with Multiple Personality Disorder.
Calvin and Leonard, two broke losers, are arrested for trying to rob rich old sisters Doris and Betty. The women have a change of heart, drop the charges and invite the the boys over to ...
One day, Hiroko accidentally starts a small fire while she is cooking. Although it does not lead to a serious incident, it does result in her going to stay with her eldest daughter, ...
Chronicles the struggles of a family trying to stay alive in the wake of a deadly and catastrophic virus that has brought America to its knees. In what was once a thriving American ...
"It has been a period of upheaval and uncertainty with COVID and the political situation. You will be amazed by my capacity to somehow take all these things personally." Your Power, ...
In 1941-1945 Women who were taken from their families to be used to satisfy the lust of the soldiers during the Japanese colonial era in Malaya. The story of Bulan, her younger sister ...
Passionate for climbing, Allegra is victim of a terrorist attack, in which her friends lose their lives. She isolates herself after crushing fear towards people and a burning desire for ...
It is a taboo story about love and incest between twins. It's not about sex, it's about the feelings the two have for one another and how society views them.
John Parker, a 19 year old from Manchester, embarks on a journey to Brighton, the spiritual home of the Mods, on an old Lambretta scooter left to him by his father.