The story follows Hamza, nicknamed Dragon, whose sick child needs treatment, but his financial condition is faltering, then events lead him to become rich by entering the world of human ...
The movie centers on two hunters, friends for years and vying for the affections of the same woman, who find themselves on cursed land and keep killing each other and coming back to life.
The duo Alexander “Alex” Haller and Nikolai “Niko” Falk are investigating a kidnapping case in Grinzing, where the 22-year-old Paul Rauch, who comes from a family of winemakers, was ...
A cinematic inversion of global power relations, 'Black Savior' parodies the idiosyncrasies of the white savior syndrome, through the story of the Agyeman family from Akanman, who ...
Lee Hanlon, the smartest student at an elite military school called the Complex, is intrigued by the academy's Black Skulls brotherhood but finds himself thrust into the role of global ...