A high school student named Yachi Haruaki receives a mysterious, super-heavy black cube from his father overseas. That night, Haruaki wakes up to a suspicious noise in the kitchen, and ...
Somewhere in the Nordic wilderness, in a place that lives by its own rules, lies Utmark. A corrupt sheriff, cross-dressing farmer, possessed shopkeeper, alcoholic shepherd, ...
The terrorist organization "Waganbu" infiltrated Hong Kong and set off a battle for chemical weapons in Hong Kong. Fan Shaofeng, the commander of the Flying Tigers, was ordered to fight ...
As part of a racist government policy now known as the Sixties Scoop, Bezhig Little Bird is removed from her home in Long Pine Reserve in Saskatchewan and adopted into a Montréal Jewish ...
The program follows a group of single parents looking for a second chance at love. The parents have been nominated for the program by their half-grown children, who will also have an ...